Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday

For next week's Thankful Thursday I plan on doing something a little different. Starting tonight I want to take a few minutes every night to write down 5 things I am thankful for that day. I would like for it to be something specific that relates to that particular day. Then, on Thursday morning I will post all of my thankful lists for the week. I strive to see the good in every day and I think that changing this exercise around like this will help me with that.

Here is my list of things that I am thankful for this week:

  1. That we saw the nail in my tire and got it fixed before it left me and my daughter on the side of the road with a flat tire.
  2. Having time to cuddle with my daughter in the mornings before I have to get ready for work.
  3. My blog. I love being able to share things with whoever wants to read them.
  4. The rebate checks I got in the mail this week. I love being able to buy stuff we can use and get my money back too.
  5. My daughter feeding herself. It may be messy, but it allows me to eat at least some of my food before it gets cold.
  6. Finally getting laundry put away. We had 5 baskets of clean laundry that needed to be put away. This week I finally got to that. I had actually forgotten just how crammed my closet is when all the clothes are away. I think it's time to go through them and donate some.
  7. The cool blinky Halloween t-shirts I won from Coupon Cravings blog giveaway.
  8. Dinner out Tuesday night. We used a gift certificate so we were able to eat out cheaply. The food was good and it was nice to not have to cook and clean up.
  9. Noticing that the jars of fruit I bought for my daughter were a product of China before I opened them. I was able to return them to the store and get my money back. I'm just not comfortable giving my daughter food from China right now.
  10. Halloween pictures of my daughter. This is her first Halloween so I had to get plenty of pictures of her in her costume. I'll try not to go too nuts with the camera Halloween night.
  11. Free music from Starbucks. I love finding new artists that I enjoy. It's especially good when you can find them for free.

What are you thankful for this week?


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